Enter Non-Kiln Fuel Consumption

For an overview of the fuels used in the sheet as well as the usage of lower heating values please see Fuel Energy and CO2 Emissions.

Non-kiln fuels are all other fuels used in the plant, which are not included in the definition of kiln fuels. For instance fuels used for plant and quarry vehicles, room heating, thermal process equipment (e.g. dryers) for the preparation of mineral components for cement grinding or in an installation separate from the kiln for on-site production of electrical power.

The following different sections of non-kiln fuel use will be required and opened in the Plant sheet according to your selection for the definition of the inventory boundaries:

Different types of fuels may be used in these operations in your plant. The consumption of each fuel type has to be determined at plant level in tonnes per year [t/yr]. Note that natural gas consumption should be reported in units of 1000 normal cubic meters per year [1000 Nm3/yr].

If you are using other kinds of fuels which are not covered by a certain category in a section, you are asked to report these fuel types in the lines which indicate "other" types of fuel.

In addition to the amount of fuel consumption, the corresponding Fuel Parameters of the lower heating value (LHVLower heat value ), the emission factor (EFEmission factor) for mixed fuels and also the biogenic carbon content (Cbio/TC) should be determined.

For an overview of the fuel types used in the Plant sheet and their reporting parameters, please see Fuel Categories and Parameters for Reporting Fuel Energy Use and CO2 Emissions.

For the IPCCIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and CSI default CO2 emission factors of the fuels please see the Fuel CO2 Factors Sheet.

The non-kiln fuel consumption is summarized as energy use in terajoules per year [TJ/yr] in line030 to line032.

Further evaluations of energy use and CO2 emissions from fuels are provided in the List of Key Performance Indicators (KPI).

Please also see the Protocol Guidance Document for further guidance on the reporting of fuel energy use and CO2 emissions (Chapters 3.5, 3.6, 3.8).




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