How to define the Inventory Boundaries for data in the Plant sheet
Line no. | Process Step | CO2 Reporting Mandatory? | Comments |
line007a | Raw material supply (quarrying, mining, crushing) | yes – unless n.a. | May require consolidating emissions of two legal entities if raw material supply is contracted to another company and out of the control of the cement company. |
line007b | Preparation of raw materials, fuels and additives | yes – unless n.a. | |
line007c | Kiln operation (pyro-processing) | yes – unless n.a. | |
line007d | Cement grinding, blending | yes – unless n.a. | |
line007e | On-site (internal) transports | yes – unless n.a. | CO2 from owned vehicles (incl. leased vehicles, excl. private owner-drivers) must be reported. Third-party transports can be excluded. See Protocol Guidance Document Chapter 3.8. |
line007f | Off-site transports | no | Reporting not mandatory. If reported, distinguish direct CO2 (own vehicles, incl. leased vehicles) from indirect CO2 (third-party vehicles). See Protocol Guidance Document Chapter 3.8. |
line007g | On-site power generation | yes – unless n.a. | Also report CO2 if operated only occasionally |
line007h | Room heating / cooling | yes – unless n.a. | |
line007i | (Add other process as appropriate) | n.a. – unless appropriate for completeness | Indicate the inclusion of reporting for additional plant specific processes, if appropriate, by selecting yes. |
line007j | Use of internal cement transfers for blending | yes – unless n.a. | Indicate the reporting of data on the internal cement transfers for blending in line010c and line017a. See Protocol Guidance Document Chapter 7.4. |
Table 2: Recommended inventory boundaries for voluntary reporting according to the Cement CO2 and Energy Protocol
Please also see the Protocol Guidance Document (Chapter 2, Chapter 3.7, Chapter 3.8, Chapter 7.1, Chapter 7.4, Chapter 9.4 and Appendix A2) for further information on the inventory boundaries required by the Cement CO2 and Energy Protocol.
Make your plant specific selection as follows:
The Plant sheet will expand or contract certain sections of lines according to the selection for the Inventory Boundaries in Column E (line007a to line007j). Thus, some input lines only become accessible, when needed for the reporting for this plant.
For example, by default the input lines in the Plant sheet for kiln fuels (line101 to line156a) and for the reporting of CO2 emissions from raw material calcination (line034d to line034s) and the selection of one of the input or output calculation methods (line007n) are closed. They only become accessible, when you select “Kiln operation = yes” in line007c.
How to set up the Plant sheet in the Inventory Boundary section
In order to set up the Plant sheet for reporting after setting the „General Plant Information“ please go through each of the lines in the section Inventory Boundaries.
There is a special method for applying the selected Inventory Boundaries to the data record of a specific year with the help of a macro by using the following procedure:
1. In order to set up the Plant sheet for reporting after setting the „General Plant Information“ please go through each of the lines in the section Inventory Boundaries.
Change the pre-selection in line007a to line007j, column E, as required for a specific plant and year of reporting to “yes”, not applicable “n.a.” or “no”. The pre-selection is “no”.
If you keep the selection “no”, remember to explain your selection in line007ac.
2. The accessibility of specific sections of the plant sheet is controlled by defining the Inventory Boundaries in line007a to line007j, column E. The Plant sheet will expand and contract relevant sections of lines according to the selected Inventory Boundaries.
3. Apply the inventory boundary definition by selecting the relevant reporting year in line007k, column E:
The macro automatically copies the inventory boundaries definition to the column of the selected year of reporting.
After defining the Inventory Boundaries for each year which is relevant for your reporting, you can enter additional data step by step into the columns of the Plant sheet. Note however, that all empty white cells must be completed. If an input value is zero (0), do not leave the cell blank but enter zero.
See further information on the Read Me Sheet regarding the Plant sheet functionality, the colour code used in the cells of the Protocol Spreadsheet and some important notes to the user.