Basically the difference is, that one equation uses the plant specific emission factor for clinker (EFCLI in t CO2/t clinker) and the other equation uses the weight fraction of carbonate CO2 in the raw meal (CO2RM). The calculation methods A1 and A2 require the use of CO2RM whereas the output methods B1 and B2 are based on EFCLI.
Equation 17: Equation 5 from the Protocol Guidance Document, Chapter 3.4
- EFCKD = Emission factor of CKD
- EFCLI = Emission factor of clinker
- d = calcination rate of CKD
Equation 18: Equation 1 from the Protocol Guidance Document, Chapter 3.3
- EFCKD = Emission factor of CKD
- LOIRM = Loss on ignition of raw meal
- d = calcination rate of CKD
Please note, that the calcination rate d of the CKD shall preferably be based on plant-specific data. In the absence of such data, a default value of 0 (d=0%) shall be used for dry process kilns because CKD is usually not or only to a negligible degree calcined in this process. In other processes (half dry, half wet or wet) calcination rates can be significant. In the absence of data, a default value of 1 (d =100%) shall be used for these kiln types.
See the Protocol Guidance Document for additional information (Chapters 3.3 and 3.4).