Figure 7: Diagram of the detailed output method (B2)
To apply the detailed clinker-based output method, companies should use their plant-specific data related to clinker and dust leaving the kiln system:
Please also see the Protocol Guidance Document (Chapter 3.4).
Correct calculation of the CO2 emission factor for the calcination of raw materials:
Please note:
If that raw material inputs contain significant amounts of carbonates other than CaCO3, MgCO3 and CaMg(CO3)2, such as e.g. FeCO3, MnCO3, Na2CO3, K2CO3, then a CO2 equivalent should be added to the MgO content of clinker for the CO2 emissions from calcination of these carbonates in order to assure complete reporting of CO2 emissions.
Calculation Details
Use the corrected calcination emission factor from line820 as input data in the Plant sheet section Data for Detailed Input Method (B2).
Where to put the results from the calcination sheet
Please see task Integrate the results of the Calcination sheet into the Plant sheet for further information on how to transfer the results from the output line(s) of your calculation from a calcination sheet into the corresponding Plant sheet.
Please note that the calcination sheet(s) will not be checked by the automatic validation tool.