Figure 6: Diagram of the simple output method (B1)
Please also see the Please also see the Protocol Guidance Document (Chapter 3.4).
The relevant input lines in the Plant sheet are:
line008: Clinker Production
line022, line023 and line024: Bypass dust and cement kiln dust (CKD) leaving the kiln system
The calcination rate d of the CKD should preferably be based on plant-specific data. In the absence of such data, a default value of 0 should be used for dry process kilns because CKD is usually not or only to a negligible degree calcined in a dry process. In other processes (half dry, half-wet or wet) calcination rates can be significant. In the absence of data, a default value of 1 should be used for these kiln types. This value is conservative, i.e. it will in most cases lead to an overstatement of CKD-related emissions.
Equation 9: Calcination rate d of CKD
The calcination rate d of CKD can be determined according to the analysis of the loss on ignition (LOI) of CKD and raw meal (RM) according to the following equation:
The Protocol Guidance Document (Appendix 3) provides more detailed information on how to determine the calcination CO2 emissions and the degree of calcination d based on analysis of the CO2 content of CKD and raw meal.
The grey colour of the input cells in the Plant sheet indicates that default values were pre-selected. These values shall be corrected by the cement company if more precise data are available
The standard calcination emission factor (EF) shall preferably be based on plant-specific data. National or regional standard values are also acceptable in the simple output method B1. In the absence of better data, a CSI default value of 525 kg CO2/t clinker shall be used. This value is comparable to the IPCC default (510 kg CO2/t) corrected for typical MgO contents in clinker.