Select a Method for Determining CO2 Emissions from Calcination

Kiln operation and calcination

If you select "yes" in line007c for the kiln operation, line007n will become accessible. In line007n you must select the method for the calculation of CO2 emission from raw material calcination.

CO2 is released from carbonates during the pyro-processing of the raw meal. This calcination process is directly linked to clinker production. Hence, the calcination sheets only need to be filled in if the plant operates a kiln producing clinker. This means that line007c must be set to "yes", otherwise line007n is protected and not accessible.

When to select which calcination CO2 method/sheet

The Cement CO2 and Energy Protocol provides four methods for determining the CO2 emissions from raw material calcination:

  1. Input methods: Amount of the raw meal consumed
    • A1: Simple input method based on analysis of the loss on ignition (LOI) of raw meal
    • A2: Detailed input method based on analysis of the CO2 released from total carbon (TCTotal carbon) of raw meal (Input CO2 balance)
  2. Output methods: Amount of clinker produced
    • B1: Simple output method based on a standard calcination CO2 emission factor (CSI default: 525 kg CO2/t clinker)
    • B2: Detailed output method based on CaO and MgO analysis of clinker and input materials (corrected calcination CO2 emission factor)

    The choice between the simple and the detailed method depends on both the intended use of reporting and the availability of data. Also, consider the completeness of your accounting and look at the example for a Mass Balance of a Kiln System in the task section on CO2 Emissions from Calcination.The detailed reporting methods are preferred, if the data required for the more detailed methods can be made available with sufficient accuracy and within the limits of practicability. The simple methods are also intended for companies which have just started CO2 reporting.


Simple Input Method

Detailed Input Method

Simple Output Method

Detailed Output Method

Principle parameter and analysis method raw meal consumed LOILoss on Ignition (weight loss on ignition) raw meal consumed CO2 released from total carbon (e.g. by IR-analysis of gases)1CO2 from total carbon is used as clarification for the analytical parameters of the Detailed Input Method A2. The term "CO2 content", which is used in the Protocol Guidance Document and in the Protocol Spreadsheet, leads to misunderstandings. clinker produced, default value clinker produced, CaO & MgO analysis(e.g. by XRF)
CO2 from organic carbon (TOCTotal organic carbon) partially included separate analysis for raw materials with high TOC content included as part of CO2 released from total carbon no separate accounting required default value TOC analysis (if relevant) or default value
CO2 from bypass dust included, complete calcination assumed, no analysis residual CO2 from total carbon default value of clinker, complete calcination assumed CaO & MgO analysis or default value of clinker
CO2 from CKDCement kiln dust LOI CO2 released from total carbon default value or analysis analysis or default value
Additional raw materials fed to calciner or kiln inlet not covered CO2 released from total carbon accounted separately included, no separate accounting required included, no separate accounting required

Table 3: Overview of methods for the determination of CO2 emissions from raw material calcination

Depending on the selected method (A1, A2, B2) you are now asked to Calculate CO2 emissions from calcination in an auxiliary sheet (the so-called Calcination sheet). The auxiliary sheets are hidden by default. Please note that one auxiliary sheet must be created for each plant which uses one of the three calculation methods A1, A2, B2 (see Plant sheet line007n). The simple output method B1, which is completely implemented and pre-selected in the Plant sheet, does not require an auxiliary Calcination sheet.

The Protocol Guidance Document (Chapter 3.2) describes the methods in more details.

How to create a calcination sheet

If you select a method other than B1 for the first time in a certain Plant sheet, you will need to create a new calcination sheet. You can do this in few steps as shown below.

1. Select "Yes" in line007c (as shown above).

2. Select the method you want to use for the data in the Plant sheet from the drop down list of line007n.

3. When using this method for first time, click "Create Calcination Sheet" in order to add a new calcination sheet to your Protocol Spreadsheet.

4. A message will appear which asks you to enter the name of the new calcination sheet. Please note the following suggestion for the naming of auxiliary calcination sheets, e.g. for the detailed input method A2: "CalcA2_xyz" (instead of xyz after the underscore you can enter your plant name).

5. A new calcination sheet will be created as shown in the figure above.

Afterwards you should enter all required data in the auxiliary calcination sheet. See task CO2 Emissions from Calcination

See task Integrate the results of the Calcination sheet into the Plant sheet for further information on how to transfer the result of your calculation from a calcination sheet into the Plant sheet.

In a step-by step example you will find an explanation on how to integrate the results of the Calcination sheet into the Plant sheet.

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