Validate the Plant sheets before submitting Data

After you have completed all the required sheets and ensured that all the desired data are reported properly, you should then take a final step before submitting the data and validate all Plant sheets contained in your Protocol Spreadsheet. By using the validation tool you can perform a first general check. The tool performs several automated tests on the completeness of the Plant sheet data and whether it lies within a general range of values for cement plants. On the Validation sheet and the Control Plant sheet you can find the validation results and remarks about whether specific data in the Plant sheets has passed or not.

To validate your Protocol Spreadsheet, you just need to follow steps 1, 2 and 3. If you find a problem with validation indicated by the red text “FAILED”, go to the Control Plant sheet , where you will find remarks on the errors which are associated with your Plant sheets. Carefully check your data and correct it, if necessary. Then try again to validate the Plant sheet data. In most cases, all errors should be removed in the Plant sheets before submitting your data.

If validation fails due to values outside the validation range

The validation tool will check if all required cells contain values and if these values are within a certain range of common values for cement plants (see List of Validation Ranges). This is to help users avoid making mistakes during data input, such as unfilled cells and lost or additional trailing zeros.

If the validation fails due to a value outside the min-max validation range, it does not automatically mean that the entered value is wrong! However, you should double-check the value and then ignore the message of the validation tool if the given numbers are definitely correct.
Please see Check for errors for further information.



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