For example, if the name of your plant has not been entered on the Plant sheet, the Control Plant sheet will show that the name of the plant has not been entered. If the validation tool has found errors in the Plant sheets, you should check your data carefully and correct it, if necessary. Then try to validate your Plant sheets again.
The validation tool applies a simple method for checking the input data in the Plant sheet. It is based on a general List of Validation Ranges. In addition, some calculated data is checked based on validation functions. There may for instance be special cases where values lie outside the validation ranges, but where these values are still assessed as correct, after carefully checking the data. In these cases, the checked values should be accepted, even though the Protocol Spreadsheet validation tool indicates a value outside the min-max-range in its list of results in the Control Plant sheet. In such a case you can also ignore the red comment “FAILED” in the Validation sheet.