The manual provides you a structured table of contents, an index, a glossary and a full-text search.
The Internet Manual is structured according to three major aspects:
- Access to the information via the different sheets in the Protocol Spreadsheet, e.g. the Plant sheet (see By Sheet").
- Access to the information via user tasks, e.g. define inventory boundaries (see "By Task"). A plant diagram provides quick access to essential tasks which need to be performed for many cement plants.
- Access to the information line by line
(see "Line-by-Line").
The Content encompasses several additional topics. In the tree structure on the left hand side you can find answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs). Specific terms and abbreviations are explained in a Glossary. Furthermore, you can find information in the Internet Manual by using its Index or Search functions, which you can access by clicking the corresponding icon at the top of the window or at the bottom below the tree structure.
In order to find the relevant section or term on other pages you can look for the highlighted search term. Alternatively you can use the search function of your browser in long lists and tables. In most cases you can access it directly by pressing CTRL+F on your keyboard and entering the search term again. Pressing F3 on your keyboard will direct you to the next search result on the same page.
In the “Line-by-Line” list an additional function is provided at the top of the page. This function allows you to jump directly to the relevant line number.
At the top you will find several buttons for navigating through the topics:
1: Click on the logo to return to the homepage
2 - 4: Show content, index or glossary on the left hand side
5: Print current page (topic)
6: Send an URL for the current page (topic) via e-mail
7: Open all dropdown elements in the topic (e.g., FAQs)
8: Remove search highlights
9 + 10: Navigate to the previous or next topic
11: Perform a full-text search
12: Switch to Chinese language version
Figures, Diagrams and Screenshots
In this Internet Manual especially in the section “By Task” you will find a number of figures, diagrams and screenshots from the Protocol Spreadsheet. In some cases, you can enlarge the figure on the screen by clicking on it. Click again to shrink the figure to original size.