Tasks to be performed by the User
What is a "task"?
A task is an activity of the user, such as "Set General Plant Information" or "Define Inventory Boundaries: Coverage of Main Process Steps ".
Each of the tasks is associated with one or more sheets. For example, if a task has to be performed in the Plant sheet, you will find a link to the Plant sheet on the page of the task.
Which tasks should be performed in which order?
The main task is to report and submit the correct data and enter it into the proper places on the sheets which are included in the Protocol Spreadsheet. Each task may consist of sub-tasks which are clearly explained in this Internet Manual in order to provide you with a guide through the reporting process with the Cement CO2 and Energy Protocol.
The following diagram shows the tasks you need to do in order to fill in and submit your Protocol Spreadsheet (you may click on some of the entries in order to jump to the corresponding topic):