Calculate Dust Production Leaving the Kiln System

For bypass dust and cement kiln dust (CKDClosed) mass flows leaving the kiln system you should fill in the following section in the Plant sheet. This section will be opened if you select "Yes" for kiln operation in line007c.

The amount of bypass dust and CKD leaving the kiln system should reflect your measurements at the plant level.

If you have selected the simple input method (A1) or the detailed input method (A2) for determining the CO2 emissions from calcination, then the amount of CKD leaving the kiln system must be specified also in the corresponding auxiliary sheets CalcA1 (line510) or CalcA2 (line655). In the simple input method (A1) bypass dust is assumed to be fully calcined (as clinker). If this is not the case, the detailed input method (A2) can be used to account for partially calcined bypass dust in the auxiliary sheet CalcA2 (line650).

Please see the information on how to calculate the plant specific value for the CKD calcination rate d in the description of the different methods available for the determination of CO2 emissions from calcination.

The Protocol Guidance Document (Appendix A3) provides more detailed information for determining the CKD calcination rate d.

What is meant by dust production leaving the kiln system?

The extraction of Bypass dustClosed and cement kiln dust (CKDClosed) from the kiln system serves to control the input of excessive circulating elements (alkali, sulphur, chlorine), particularly in cases of low-alkaline clinker production. The term “CKD” is sometimes used to denote all dust from cement kilns, i.e. also from bypass systems. Dust is relevant for complete CO2 reporting if it is fully or partly calcined and not recycled but leaving the kiln system, i.e. discarded bypass dust and dust from long dry, semi dry, semi wet and wet kiln system dedusting units, consisting of partly calcined kiln feed material (see also Input Method Dust Return Correction).

Please see the example of a mass flow diagram and the Mass Balance of a Kiln System.

