Data transfer from Protocol Spreadsheet V3.04 to V3.1

The Protocol Spreadsheet V3.1 is available in Excel® 2003. When using Excel® 2010 we recommend saving the downloaded V3.1 in Excel® 2003 xls-format.

Copy data from each Plant Sheet in Protocol Spreadsheet V3.04 once to a new and special “Plant Sheet Transfer” in V3.1. After that, the evaluation of aggregated data in the Company Sheet in Protocol Spreadsheet V3.1 needs to be implemented by again building the correct sum formulas for all Plant Sheets.

Transfer of Plant Sheet Data

  1. Press the button “New Plant Sheet Transfer V3.04 > V3.1” on the Plant Sheet.

    Rename the new Plant Sheet.
  1. Use the password to unprotect the Plant Sheet of your V3.04 file for transferring data by copy and paste. The password can be requested from GCCA via email to
  2. Mark the whole columns in V3.04 of all years that you intend to transfer to V3.1 by clicking and selecting on the very top of the columns:
  1. NOTE: For a correct functioning of the transfer regarding the monitoring years, you have to start with marking the year 1990 and all years until your last monitoring year, even if no data are filled in the first columns. Otherwise the data will not be transferred to the correct years in V3.1.
  2. Copy the marked columns.
  3. Mark the cell which contains the text “Paste here” in the Plant Sheet of V3.1 and paste the marked columns (paste values). This copying area is unprotected and might be used for further editing of data or other programming works.
  4. If the following information window(s) open(s), click on “yes”.
  1. Press the button “Take last boundaries” below line007k in order to apply and format the V3.1 Plant Sheet Transfer according to the last filled column:

The Plant Sheet Transfer can also be used to import data from a database. Therefore, in the unprotected area links to company databases can be inserted (as Excel formulas). The protected area is referenced to the import area and calculates with the transferred or imported data.

Transfer of Calcination Sheet Data

The changes in the Calcination Sheets (methods A1, A2 and B2) in V3.1 are only editorial. The calculations are still the same as in V3.04. If you apply method A1, A2 or B2, you have two possibilities to transfer the corresponding Calcination Sheet data from V3.04 to V3.1:

  1. Copy the whole filled Calcination Sheet from V3.04 to V3.1.
    In this case you do not have the updated descriptions, but all calculations are still correct.


  1. Create a new Calcination Sheet in V3.1
    1. IMPORTANT: Mark in line007 the cell of one year, by which you select the calcination method!
    1. After that press the button “Create Calcination Sheet”.
  1. Rename the sheet.
  2. Unlike in the Plant Sheet Transfer, there is no special transfer sector in the Calcination Sheets. Therefore, you have to copy and paste directly the white data cells (not whole columns or lines) from V3.04 to V3.1.

Consolidation of the Company Sheet

The final step is the aggregation of data from all Plant Sheets (Plant Sheet, New Plant Sheet and/or New Plant Sheet Transfer) in the Company Sheet as described here.
