Sheets in the Protocol Spreadsheet

The Protocol Spreadsheet consists of several sheets which are created according to the required reporting tasks. E.g. the data reporting for plants is collected in a Plant sheet. You have the possibility to create more sheets if it is necessary to report the data from multiple plants of one company. Excel® acts as the software platform, which makes it easy to deal with your Protocol Spreadsheet and also provides you with additional features. One feature is the ability to archive your records and sheets over many years of reporting. Thus, the Protocol Spreadsheet can be used as a database for the CO2 and energy data of your company.

The main sheets which are included by default are as follows:

Not all of the sheets need to be filled in - some of them are only for providing help, information or standard values.

Three different calcination sheets are optional and therefore hidden by default. One calcination sheet should be created per plant according to the selection of the calcination CO2 method for calculating the CO2 emissions from the calcination of raw materials (CalcA1, CalcA2 and CalcB2 sheets). No auxiliary calcination sheet exists for the simple output method (B1), because its data input and calculations are completely included in the Plant sheet.

Note that all cells which are not coloured (those with a white background) must be filled with the respective values from your plant and company data.